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Diamond Jim Davis, Leather Man 

by Gene Fowler 

WWBFJD? (What Would Benjamin Franklin Johnson Do?) 

In July 1847, an ailing Brigham Young, the second president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, sat up in the wagon that had carried Read more


By B. Crawford 

What do some of the world’s best-known bartenders, butchers and blacksmiths have in common? They are all trusted Stalwarts, which means they all rely on handcrafted, durable Stalwart Crafts leather aprons to help them do their Read more

The Cross-Pollination of Gordon Andrus 

By Nick Pernokas 

Creating order and beauty from raw materials ran in Gordon Andrus’s family. His grandfather was an industrial arts teacher, who taught pupils how to work in many mediums including leather. 

“My grandfather never met a raw Read more


Utah couple builds a business making custom saddles and tack. 

By Lynn Ascrizzi 

Saddlemaking takes attention to detail, a pursuit of excellence and sticking with a mission until it’s accomplished. The same can be said of the U.S. Read more

“Best Leather Goods in the World” Frank Clegg Leatherworks in Fall River, Mass 

by Gene Fowler

Hey, don’t take my word for it. Mr. Baltzar said it right there on the internet for the whole world to see. “Frank Clegg Leatherworks produces the best leather goods in the world.” As the voice Read more