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The TCAA: A Counterculture Movement

Why You Should Care

By Nick Pernokas

Recently I sat down with some of the officers, and long time members, of the Traditional Cowboy Arts Association. We discussed the state of the high-end, high-quality western industry, and some of Read more

Saddlemaker Ron Ross

Sixty Years of Leather at the Crossroads of America 

By Gene Fowler 

“I clean up good,” jokes Ron, describing this photo. Since 1977, Ron and his family have lived north of Fort Wayne, Indiana, where he has raised Belgians, Read more

Alchemy Kustom

A Supernatural Natural

By Gene Fowler

Natural talent has a knack for finding its way to the gallery or stage, especially when it operates in Shakespeare’s context of “all the world.” Many, if not most, of the leathercraft artists Read more

Treasuring the Art of Fly Fishing Through Leather

By Liisa Andreassen

It all started when James (Jimmy) Acord met a guy in a band who had a cool-looking belt pouch made out of an old Western boot. Acord figured he had some boots, so why not try Read more

Goin’ West: The Amazing Leatherworkx of Jürgen Volbach

By Gene Fowler

Pioneer German immigrants contributed greatly to the settlement of frontier America. Tales and legends of the Wild West enchanted many Germans who remained in the Old World. Even the great Deutsch writer, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Read more