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Blazing Briscoe

The Saddle Exhibit at San Antonio’s Briscoe Western Art Museum

By Gene Fowler

If you should ever find yourself in San Antonio, Texas (and who hasn’t at some point?) and you’re an aficionado of the fine leatherwork displayed on Read more

The Tandy Leather Museum of Fort Worth

By Gene Fowler

Ensconced at his Two Lazy A’s Ranch in Canada, legendary leather wizard Al Stohlman was focused on his leathercraft – really focused. “There was only one day a week when he would take phone calls,” says Read more

Dan Preston: Passing the Torch

By Nick Pernokas

Sometimes paths to the future are erratic and hard to see. For a lucky few they converge and become more visible.

It’s hard for 63-year-old Dan Preston to put a finger on where he is from. Read more