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J and M Custom Boots: A Legacy of Resiliency

By Nick Pernokas

Juan Cruz, inseaming, a few years ago.

The young boy reached Chihuahua City at dawn. He’d brought a couple of tortillas wrapped around some meat in a paper sack for breakfast.  As he nibbled on them, Read more

“The Michelangelo of Cowboy Boots”

“Charlie Dunn, He’s the One to See”

by Gene Fowler

Photograph courtesy of The Briscoe Center for American History, University of Texas at Austin. Photographer Jim McGuire made images of the Grand Ole Opry legends and other country-western stars, Read more

Semper Fi: Boots with a Mission

By Liisa Andreassen

Sarah Ford, a San Angelo, Texas-native, former Marine officer and Harvard Business School grad is the CEO, founder and creative director of Ranch Road Boots – a brand deeply rooted in Ford’s love for the American Read more

Oak Street Bootmakers: Rebuilding the Footwear Landscape

By Gene Fowler

There are many steps in building a handmade shoe.

Longtime Chicago-area shoe repairman John Vlagos chuckles recalling his reaction upon first learning that his son, George, was starting the handmade footwear business, Oak Street Bootmakers. “I Read more

Ty May: Making up for Lost Time

By Nick Pernokas

Ty’s primary products are boots.

When we speak of an “up and coming” artist, we usually think of a young person. That is an assumption that is not always true. Grandma Moses, for example, began her Read more